Louis Better than before

Migrating from Jekyll to Hexo

Hello there, this Jekyll’s personal blog was migrated to Wellcome to Louis. Hope my new blog may bring good fortune, success, and happiness. ☀️


I’ve been running my personal blog for about 4 years and am very happy running a static site generator. I’ve picked Jekyll in the past because it was straight forward to create a new blog using GitHub Pages with Jekyll. I was never studied any domain knowledge associate with Sitecore, so first thing first… I wanted to find a blogging engine that I was interested in. I considered the Jekyll with Lanyon theme and did so me research into what others in the Jekyll’s community were using. I then liked the power my blog had instant search, Google analytics and Disqus commands functionalities.

But, recently, I found that the Hexo has more advantages over Jekyll, thus I decided to migrate to Hexo community and start blogging a lot more to engage with Hexo. In this post, I will roughly summarize the steps taken to use Hexo with tranquilpeak theme and deploy to GitHub Pages.

How to Get Started With Hexo

Hexo is written in Javescript, and we may install Hexo with npm, which is a package manager for the Javescript. Basically, Hexo has everything users need included in the default package so we don’t need to modify too much, depend on plugins or use very powerful framework for a simple.

Step 1. Create Hexo Project from Scratch


Hexo is powered by Node.js, allowing it to render Markdown files into static web pages. Also npm stands for Node pages manager, which is an application and repository for developing and sharing Javescript code. So, Node.js and npm is prerequieste for Hexo project. We may navigate to Node.js Org to download Node.js installer or install Node.js and npm using Homebrew on Mac.

# Install Node.js
$ brew install node
# Install npm package manager
$ brew install npm

Now, we can create a new Hexo project and follow along:

# Install the Hexo CLI
$ npm install hexo-cli -g
# Initate a new Hexo project in ./blog folder
$ hexo init blog

Step 2. Set up the Basic Configuration

It’s easy to modify site setting and the theme setting in _config.yml. Here we can edit _config.yml and have a look at the general settings:

# Site
title: Louis
subtitle: 'Louis'
description: 'Hello and wellcome to the internet home of Louis blog. (That’s me!)'
  - hexo
  - javascript
author: ShiRong Liu
  - en
  - zh-tw
timezone: ''

We can also see the Configuration page for more description of configuration.

Step 3. Choose a Theme for Your Hexo Blog

Hexo provides a very eaay way to chagne between multiple themes just by cloning the specific theme template to the local directory in the ./theme folder. Then, modify the _config.yml in the Hexo project.

# Extensions
## Plugins: https://hexo.io/plugins/
## Themes: https://hexo.io/themes/
theme: tranquilpeak

At this point, we can try to run the command hexo server now. Once the server has been sucessfully installed, the website will run at http://localhost:4000 by default. When the server is running, Hexo will watch for file changes and update automatically so it’s not necessary to manually restart the server. If we want to change the port, use the -p option to set a different port or the -i option to override the default IP setting.

# Change to use 5000 port
$ hexo server -p 5000
# Override by IP setting
$ hexo server -i
