Louis Better than before

淡定的撲克臉 (Poker Face)

“Positive emotions affect our brains in ways that increase our awareness, attention, and memory. When we feel more positive emotions than negative ones, difficult situations are easier to handle. Positive emotions build our resilience (the emotional resources needed for coping). They broaden our awareness, letting us see more options for problem solving…. TeensHealth”



尤其是近期在等待的階段,經常出現情緒起伏。但在這時期,更應該要好好的了解以及調解自己的情緒。曾經讀一本書閱讀心得-鏡與窗談判課 Ask for More: 10 Questions to Negotiate Anything文章談論到:

  • “情緒是談判的核心,所以判讀情緒可以怎麼幫你更有效溝通。不帶主觀或偏見地傾聽內心的聲音,掌握感受是成功談判的關鍵“ - Grappling with your feelings is the key to success in any negotiation.
  • “在談判中,焦慮可能迫使一些人接受不好的建議、輕言放棄或忽視自己的需求” - Anxiety in negotiation can lead people to accept flawed advice, give up easily, and ignore their own needs.


所以盡量讓自己在適當的時機擺一張淡定的撲克臉,展現出恰當的情緒,但並非毫無表情或時刻隱藏真實情緒。而憐憫或感激等正面的情緒有助於提升準確判斷情勢的能力,因此能提出有創意的解決方法,進行創新。- Positive emotions, like compassion or gratitude, can enhance our ability to judge circumstances accurately, come up with creative solutions, innovate - all of which are importance for negotiation.
